Program Quality
There are more than 300 practicing Dancing Classrooms Teaching Artists who have been trained by Pierre Dulaine. The training is rigorous and systematic. Each of the Dancing Classrooms sites has a Quality Control program and the Dancing Classrooms staff make annual quality control visits to each site to ensure that what you see in the award-winning documentary Mad Hot Ballroom happens at every Dancing Classrooms site.
Curriculum Integration
Dancing Classrooms isn’t simply a ballroom dancing program. Dancing Classrooms Teaching Artists collaborate with the school teachers to connect the program to the rest of the school curriculum. Listed below are some examples of curriculum integration.
Reading & Writing
• Poetry, essays, diaries, short stories from other countries
Social Studies
• Customs & Costumes
• Family History
• Community Studies
Visual Arts
• Dance Art
• Bookmaking
• Dance In Art
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Introductory geometry: shapes and patterns
• Skills-based problem solving
• Fractions, rhythm, and musical tempo
Physical Education
• Body Awareness
• Exercise
• Nutrition
• Sportsmanship
Program Validity
The Dancing Classrooms curriculum has been reviewed in New York, California, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and meets or exceeds:
New York State Standards for the Arts
New York Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts
California Visual and Performing Arts Framework
Ohio's Academic Content Standards
Pennsylvania Academic Standards for the Arts and Humanities
“They loved it and I felt like it brought out confidence and an inner strength they didn’t know they had.”