Social Development
Two research projects provide evidence that Dancing Classrooms results in positive changes in participant social development:
1) Philliber Research Associates, St. Louis, Missouri, 2005
Sources: student pre & post, teacher, parent, and teaching artist surveys.
• Student demographics: 25% African-American, 25% Hispanic, 30% Asian, 20% Anglo
• Respondents agreed that Dancing Classrooms:
o helped students overcome social anxieties
o enhanced respect and increased social skills
o increased student confidence and self-esteem
o increased student awareness of other cultures
o increased student physical development, coordination, and participation in physical activity
• Noteworthy teacher comment: "Many learned how to interact better with their peers; many learned to be more respectful of one another."
2) Dr. Larry Nelson, UTA College of Education, Arlington, Texas 2006
Methodology: pre & post test protocol on 624 fifth graders with 1/3rd in control group.
Sense of Mastery Global Scale and Sense of Relatedness Scale:
• Very Strong Statistical Difference:
o If I try hard it makes a difference.
o There are people who will help me if something bad happens.
o I get a lot of encouragement at my school.
o School will help me be successful.
• Strong Statistical Difference:
o I will be happy and successful when I grow up.
o I am getting the exercise that I need.
o People accept me for who I am.
o I feel supported.
o It makes me sad to see a girl or boy who cannot find anyone to play with.
o I respect people who are different then I am.
• Social Support within the Sense of Relatedness scale showed a Very Strong Statistical Difference
“She is more relaxed and seems more comfortable with herself.”
Students at Benjamin Mays I.B. World School happily dancing
“The program expanded her overall thinking of manners and social interactions.”